Thursday, May 28, 2009


I think I might be, like, really really strong... you know, encephalon-wise.

Or possibly my brain just doesn't function as other people's brains do. It's more powerful... bigger and ...brainier... than any other brain out there.

I've come to this conclusion for 3 reasons.

1. Drugs don't affect me like they do other people. Neither does caffeine. Not once, ever, have I had some coffee and thought "wow, now I'm pepped. hot jazz, I'll be awake for hours." I've NEVER thought that. Seriously, I could drink coffee until the cows came home (where are those damn cows, anyway?) and still want to go to bed at 9 pm. Drugs too. I inhale pot like it's air and yet my eyes are never red and I've never once felt paranoid. In fact, it's nearly ceased to effect me. Ditto with any other drug I've been stupid enough to try. Mushrooms? Not a problem. Never EVER have I had a "bad trip" and I've done those suckers A LOT. Coke? Yes, I was stupid enought to try it. And it sucked. Not in a "bad-trip" kind of way, just in a "ew, I've just sucked something up my nostrils and I feel exactly the same" kind of way. Even E. Oh sure, I'm happy, I suppose. But I'm usually happy when I'm surrounded by my friends on a dance floor and I don't have to work the next day.

2. I have such strange and vivid dreams... and some of them come true. Not often, but 4 or 5 times. And that's kind of freaky. What if I am programmed to receive information from the future, but I just haven't realised it fully yet, and I am letting all my powers go to WASTE?!?! I mean sure, I've been watching original Star Trek lately, but I've been thinking this for a while now. One time I had a dream in which my cousin (who has long long hair... who has ALWAYS had long long hair as long as I've lived) was dragged over a cliff by some birds who pecked all of her hair off. Ok, fine, in real life there was no cliff, and no birds, but THE NEXT DAY she cut off all of her hair. That's weird, right?! I think so.

3. I am very easily hypnotized. You might think that's all a joke. "Hogwash!" you say (which is stupid... who says that anymore). But seriously, I have been "put under" 3 or 4 times in my life. I have absolutely no recollection of what happened, but there is video footage of me performing a highland fling perfectly. I have no idea how to do the highland fling in real life. I quit highland dancing lessons when I was 7 years old. You might be thinking "doesn't that mean that your brain is weak to be so easily influenced?"
You're an asshole for saying that, really. That was pretty mean.
But for reals, I don't think so. I think my brain is more open to things that other people have blocked out as impossible. That's why I believe in zombies, amongst other things. And that is why I am more than likely psychic.

My brain is better than your brain and my brain could beat your brain up. So try me, bitches!

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