Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sooo... sleeepy...

For the past two days, I have fallen asleep at work.

The first time was not so bad. I was only doing a
sudoku at the time, and I awoke immediately when my head crashed onto my desk. I then brilliantly covered the loud bang with some paper rustling and chair squeakings. Pretty slick.

Yesterday I was not so lucky.

I fell asleep for 1/2 an hour.

I don't even know how it happened. One minute I was typing an important email (to my mum... about wedding favors...) the next, I was waking up with the phone ringing and a thin stream of saliva dribbling down my chin.

I bounded out of my cubicle and snatched the phone up, realizing the receptionist had been on her lunch break nearly as long as I (her back-up) had been passed out. I blurted a groggy "hello?... er... I mean, good afternoon, Chelsea speaking!" belatedly realising the caller had already given up hope and hung up.

I could hazard a guess at why I've been so sleepy... the cat jumping repeatedly on my head the other night probably didn't help.

The point is, what am I to do about it? I can already tell that today will be a sleepy day; Jonathan coming home at 3:30 in the morning, tripping over my discarded clothes on the floor, and landing heavily upon my legs hasn't improved my soporific state.

I can only hope that, when I AM eventually dragged into the arms of Morpheus once again, no one notices.

But hey, this is the government... I can't be the ONLY one sleeping, right?

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